Boy this spring sure took it’s time arriving, didn’t it? I feel like it’s finally here, and the grass and flowers here at the farm are proof of it. There is nothing quite like spring on the farm. The forages grow so quickly once spring comes that we really can’t keep up with it! This is the time when we graze our cattle and sheep across as much of the pastures as we can, as quickly as we can. And we mow hay, which will provide much-needed feed for the animals all winter.

One of the beautiful things about how we farm is the presence of pollinators. We just planted a special pollinator plot filled with wildflowers. But truthfully, quite a bit of the farm has blooming things that attract pollinators. And the fact that we don’t use pesticides makes our farm the place to hang out if you’re a bee or a butterfly.
Studies show that being outdoors in nature is so helpful in lowering our stress levels, which in turn helps us be healthy. I hope you have been intentional about being outdoors on these nice days. I have a small gift for you. I’m hoping you will enjoy it, and I’m hoping it will remind you to get outside and de-stress.
Mike took this photo last summer, and it’s been published in a magazine. He even won a little money for it! You can install it as wallpaper on your phone or desktop. Feel free to let your friends know about it if you think they might also enjoy it.

Click here to download. There are four different options available, so you should find something that works for you for either your phone or your desktop/laptop. Make sure you get outside! Use the wallpaper to remind you…